Here's a Little Taste of Tink...

Stupid, stupid, stupid!” Tink berated herself as she fled Club Darling. Dashing at her wet eyes, she completely ignored the concerned security guard – as well as her bike – as she practically ran down the dark streets.

What had she been thinking? Flirting the way she had … Tink shook her head, feeling her cheeks heat with mortification. Hadn’t Luca told her Pan had gone to the club to blow off steam? What had she expected? They were nymphs! Of course they were planning to have sex with a bunch of fae groupies. She didn’t even know why she’d lowered her guard in the first place. Maybe it was hearing Pan’s true feelings about the laws surrounding her guardianship and consorts. After the initial misunderstanding, his words had brought a flutter to her stomach and a warmth to her chest, and she’d had the idiotic notion that maybe he liked her. That maybe they all liked her.

“Stupid!” She berated herself once more, silently cursing Wendy and her blue fruity concoction. Yes, she thought, it was all Wendy’s fault!

Tink was so absorbed in plotting her friend’s demise, she didn’t realise just how far she had walked until the resounding silence finally penetrated her ears. Stopping and looking around, she realised she had marched herself right into the industrial estate of Neverland. The poorly-lit area was filled with warehouses, factories, and wrecking yards and was as depressing as it was dangerous. Some of the more sinister magical creatures made their homes amongst the twisted metal and pollution, including the vampires – which was just who she needed to run into that night!

Spinning on her booted feet, she began to quickly but quietly make her way back to the busier streets when a series of engine roars met her ears. Tink had a moment of relief, thinking the guys had come after her, before she realised the engines sounded completely wrong. Squinting against the bright headlights, she was unable to make out the figures straddling the four bikes as they came to a stop just metres in front of her. But their silhouettes appeared big. Really big.

Here's a Little Taste of Tink...

Stupid, stupid, stupid!” Tink berated herself as she fled Club Darling. Dashing at her wet eyes, she completely ignored the concerned security guard – as well as her bike – as she practically ran down the dark streets.

What had she been thinking? Flirting the way she had … Tink shook her head, feeling her cheeks heat with mortification. Hadn’t Luca told her Pan had gone to the club to blow off steam? What had she expected? They were nymphs! Of course they were planning to have sex with a bunch of fae groupies. She didn’t even know why she’d lowered her guard in the first place. Maybe it was hearing Pan’s true feelings about the laws surrounding her guardianship and consorts. After the initial misunderstanding, his words had brought a flutter to her stomach and a warmth to her chest, and she’d had the idiotic notion that maybe he liked her. That maybe they all liked her.

“Stupid!” She berated herself once more, silently cursing Wendy and her blue fruity concoction. Yes, she thought, it was all Wendy’s fault!

Tink was so absorbed in plotting her friend’s demise, she didn’t realise just how far she had walked until the resounding silence finally penetrated her ears. Stopping and looking around, she realised she had marched herself right into the industrial estate of Neverland. The poorly-lit area was filled with warehouses, factories, and wrecking yards and was as depressing as it was dangerous. Some of the more sinister magical creatures made their homes amongst the twisted metal and pollution, including the vampires – which was just who she needed to run into that night!

Spinning on her booted feet, she began to quickly but quietly make her way back to the busier streets when a series of engine roars met her ears. Tink had a moment of relief, thinking the guys had come after her, before she realised the engines sounded completely wrong. Squinting against the bright headlights, she was unable to make out the figures straddling the four bikes as they came to a stop just metres in front of her. But their silhouettes appeared big. Really big.